Immerse yourself in Chumbi Valley, an enchanting and mystical play-and-earn blockchain game with intriguing and adorable NFT creatures known as Chumbi. Explore the uncharted forest, start a farm, grow crops and craft special items with your Chumbi companions by your side, while earning crypto rewards.
Discover all that Chumbi Valley has to offer with your Chumbi companions by your side.
Restore a long forgotten forest farm to its former glory, grow crops and create an enchanting home for yourself and your Chumbi.
Accompany your Chumbi to the sacred Primordial Tree to begin breeding new Chumbi NFTs. An endless combination of attributes is possible. Will you hatch them all?
Combine your farm-grown crops with the treasured resources you find along your travels to craft useful and powerful items.
Explore a variety of unique and interesting regions, chart the valley, meet fascinating individuals and uncover hidden secrets and valuable resources along the way.
Chumbi /chumm-bee/ are mystical, elemental NFT creatures who will be your most loyal and loving companions as you journey through the valley. Breed and raise new Chumbi on your farm and set out together to unlock every item, feature and secret this enchanting world has to offer.
15 types to discover
CHMB is Chumbi Valley's on-chain token and is deeply tied into every aspect of the Chumbi ecosystem. CHMB will facilitate gamers and investors alike to get the most out of their journey through the valley by giving access to a variety of future opportunities, products and features.
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Copyright 2024 | MOHAMMAD JODAKI